A user account is the core set of information that Anthology identifies and organizes data about a user. This information is used throughout Anthology to personalize the user experience as well as provide useful data for cross-tabulation and reporting. User account imports are used to add/update information about current users or to create information about new users.
Demographic, directory, and academic information can be applied to a user account through periodic or regular imports. This allows Anthology to be synchronized with your other campus data systems. While importing user account information is valuable to the experience and usefulness of Anthology, it is not required for use of all functions.
The required fields for each record are the same as the Core Data Accounts file, detailed on the Core Data Accounts page and in the Data Dictionary. However, Beacon campuses can include additional fields in this file, as discussed below.
New/Recent Implementations
Beacon campuses can also include custom user fields in their Accounts file to expand the data on the Beacon Student Profile beyond the fields provided by the Demographics file. Discuss what fields would be useful to your campus with your consultant.
Legacy Campuses
Legacy campuses implemented before 2017 may include a prescribed set of demographics in their Accounts file. These specifications and the attachments below apply only to legacy campuses, NOT to any new implementations. If you are unsure if this applies to your institution, please confirm with your consultant.
The specification sheet is a guideline that covers what kind of data is supported for each field. Fields marked Explicit refer the user to a second tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet which provides the listing of the exact entries that must be populated for this field.