
Photographs can be uploaded and displayed for students, faculty, and staff within Beacon. Photos can be uploaded manually by individual users and/or bulk imported by the institution.  

Manual Upload

When a user is logged into Beacon, they can upload a photo in their Profile. 

Institution-uploaded photos are stored separately from photos uploaded by users. Photos uploaded via bulk import by the institution will not delete user-uploaded photos. 

Bulk Import

Contact support@campuslabs.com to request the /Accounts/Photo upload directory be enabled for your institution. Follow the guidelines below for formatting photos and uploading your files via FTP:

  • Individual photo dimensions must be at least 300 x 300 pixels
  • Photo file types must be .jpg or .png (text case of file names/extensions does not matter)
  • Maximum file size per photo is 500 kilobytes (500kb)
  • Compressed file must have the extension .ZIP (or .zip)
  • Mapping file must be named "mapping.csv" (the name is case sensitive)
  • Mapping file must be placed INSIDE the compressed file along with the photos
  • Compressed file cannot contain sub-folders (i.e. the photos and mapping file must be in the "root" of the .ZIP file)
  • Photographs can be automated but should not be automated every day due to the size of the image files. Choose a timeframe that makes sense for your institution.

The compressed folder containing all of the photos and the mapping file (see the article titled "SFTP Data Exchange Instructions") should be placed in the directory: /Accounts/Photo


Example Mapping File: 


Best Practices for Populating Photographs

Scope: The scope of this file should align with the scope of the Accounts file to include photographs of all individuals loaded into Beacon.

Data Relationships: To properly connect accounts to their images, the ExternalID should match the PersonIdentifiers defined in the Accounts file.

Import Order: Photographs should be imported after Accounts, to ensure the relevant accounts are present in the system.

Suggested SIS Tables



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