Alert APIs

Encouragement APIs

Update APIs

Success Metrics


 Alert APIs

Campuses can use the Notation APIs to create notations using data collected from other campus systems, as well as pull notation data into other systems and/or join this data with other datasets for custom reporting and analysis purposes. Here are just a few examples of how campuses are using the Notation APIs to support student success:

  • To automate notations using data collected from other campus systems such as student conduct and judicial information or mid-term grades and attendance records captured in the Student Information or Learning Management systems.
  • To better understand how notations are being used at the institution to identify any gaps in intervention efforts or training needs for the faculty and staff using the system.
  • To evaluate the impact of notations on student outcomes such as course success, retention, and graduation rates.

Create an Alert using the API


Description Creates an open alert with the specified content for the specified user
Data to be supplied Audience Type, can the student view the alert, categories, created by, details, student information


Get information about Alerts using the API


Description Returns all alerts that were created within a specified date range for specified users
What will be returned Alert ID, audience type, comments, created by, created on, categories, details, status, student information



Description Returns an alert associated with the specific ID
What will be returned Alert ID, audience type, comments, created by, created on, categories, details, status, student information



Description Returns the categories associated with the specific alert
What will be returned Alert ID, audience type, comments, created by, created on, categories, details, status, student information



Description Returns the information of the user who created the specific alert
What will be returned First name, last name, email address



Description Returns the information of the student who the alert was created about
What will be returned Alert ID, audience type, comments, created by, created on, categories, details, status, student information


Encouragement APIs

Create an Encouragement using the API


Description Creates an encouragement with the specified content for the specified user
Data to be supplied Audience Type, encouragement type, created by, details, student information


Get information about Encouragements using the API


Description Returns all encouragements that were created within a specified date range for specified users
What will be returned Encouragement ID, audience type, created on, created by, details, student information



Description Returns an encouragement associated with the specific ID
What will be returned Encouragement ID, audience type, created on, created by, details, student information


Update APIs

Create an Update using the API


Description Creates an update with the specified content for the specified user
Data to be supplied Audience Type, created by, details, student information


Get information about Updates using the API


Description Returns all updates that were created within a specified date range for specified users
What will be returned Update ID, audience type, created on, created by, details, student information



Description Returns an update associated with the specific ID
What will be returned

Update ID, audience type, created on, created by, details, student information


Success Metrics


Description Returns success stats for the identified student
What will be returned Data Insight count, encouragement count, lowered alert count, open alert count, update count

Additional APIs available.  Please see our API documentation.

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