If you are a users with a Help Center account you have the ability to follow a section(s) of content. Upon following a section, you will be notified via email when new articles are added.

Such a feature can be valuable for users that prefer knowing what is going on within the application as soon as it is posted to the Help Center.

For example, if you would like to receive an email when a new article is added to the Release Notes Section of the Help Center you should “follow” that section, in turn you will notified as new articles are posted here informing you of general product updates.

Subscribing to a Section

To follow a section, simply click the "Follow" button located in the top-right corner of the section. While there is a secondary option of "New articles and comments," the help center does not make use of comments, so this option works exactly the same as subscribing to just "New articles." When a new article is created within the section you will receive an email notification.


Select a Section


Follow a section

Manage Subscriptions

You can stop following content at any time if you no longer want to receive notifications. If you are in the section you wish to stop following, simply choose the "unfollow" option by clicking the same button you used to follow the section initially.


Users also have the ability to see a full list of sections they have followed and can unfollow content here as well.

Click your profile icon in the upper-right side of any page, and then click "My activities". Note that you must be signed in to see this option.


Click on the "Following" tab:


From here you can make any changes to what you are following. It is important to note that unfollowing removes the subscription from the page.



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